
"If I submit myself to applying for the new NIC, it will be either out of FEAR or for ADMINISTRATIVE CONVENIENCE..."

30 avril 2017, 13:29


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Dear  All

I am hard-pressed by the deadline imposed concerning the above subject and would like to inform you about the following:

  • I am very concerned about issues of individual and citizens rights and freedom
  • I have read, listened and pondered upon the various points that have been raised in favour of and against the rationales behind the new NIC.
  • As a responsible citizen, I am fully aware of the notions of Individual Rights, Freedom and Security.
  • I am fully conscious that in any 'well-organized and safe society', there is a certain extent of trade off between Individual Rights and Freedom and the Law in the interest of higher Collective Welfare, Safety and Security.     
  • I have hands-on experience of various management functions and, not being  a 'luddite', I know how technology can greatly enhance efficiency in terms of service delivery, cost management, resource allocation, accountability and citizen empowerment etc. A paradigm shift to become a real digital Mauritius, but not at the expense of other fundamental values and concerns.    
  • Contrary to many élite people, including Ministers and MLAs etc, I value public services and I prove my trust in them by using the hospital and other public services for myself and my relatives whenever needed.
  • In line with various concerns expressed by prominent people, including the current Prime Minister about the 'dangers' of the Biometric NIC, I was convinced that I should adhere to that movement and not apply for the new NIC as per the new requirements in force. Consequently, I have since remained CONSISTENT with that reasoning and I am still without the new NIC.

With the deadline at the doorstep, I have to confess that I am still not clear why I should today depart from the rationales that I supported since 2014, in spite of the official assurances given concerning the permanent deletion of the database relating to fingerprints. Assurances which none of us, including those in the present government, can ascertain for now and the future, especially because of the certainty of the sophistication of evolving computer intelligence, hacking/tracking devices and the authorities' or any government's temptation to use and abuse of the personal information for the sole purpose of unfettered Surveillance and Intrusion into the Privacy of citizens that they might consider as adversaries on subjective grounds.

I have received a registered letter dated  21 April 2017 with relevant attachments ( Press Communiqué dated 20 April  2017) from the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation, informing me (among other things) that "failure to  comply with section 4 of the  National Identity Card Act after 30 April 2017,  shall constitute  an offence".

I am tempted to say that if I submit myself to applying for the new NIC now, it will be either out of FEAR or for ADMINISTRATIVE CONVENIENCE. Not out of the same conviction I used to support those rationales that the Prime Minister had explained in his petition and discourses in 2014 and 2015.

From the narratives/rationales that are being put forward to reassure citizens to apply for the new NIC, I note that they are mainly (in my understanding) around:       


  1. The cost already incurred in the making of the new NIC i.e about Rs 1.6 bn. Backing off now on such an exorbitant project would entail huge losses on the investment already incurred. I do agree to that argument to a large extent. However, bearing in mind that the amount incurred on the  project was always considered highly questionable and worthy of  criminal  investigation by opponents of the new NIC, I would  like to ask the current government if any forensic audit or criminal proceedings has been initiated against the  team that was in charge of the new NIC project? If yes, has the outcome been made public? If no, why not?
  2. Bringing greater control, synergy and efficiency at the level of all government (and nongovernment) platforms and services. In view of my own professional background and concerns for efficiency, quality service delivery, optimization of resources, synergy etc with  the  best  mix of technological  and  human resources,  I would tend to support such initiative despite others disagreeing with me on this point for ideological or other reasons. However, my apprehension remains as to whether we need absolutely a new NIC (with Biometric information) to achieve that degree of efficiency and excellence? I wish I could be proved that this is the sole avenue (if other avenues have been explored) to achieve that mission for the greater welfare of the people. And what guarantee and metrics (in terms of timeframe and quality) have been put in place to ensure the new NIC has been instrumental in bringing real value-added, efficiency and greater well-being  for the people?     
  3. Greater Security and Safety for the citizens. I understand that the concept of Biometric NIC is not unique to Mauritius. However, it has to be recognized that in most countries where such card has been put in place, it's been more out of genuine threats on the Security and Safety of their citizens and to their national sovereignty. To that extent, even in those very liberal, privacy and freedom-loving countries (like the USA), most of the citizens tend to consent to trading off a bit of their individual rights and freedom for greater personal and national safety and security. Do we have such threats and contingencies here? In our own context, would it not tend to give concerned citizens legitimate grounds to be very suspicious about the very intent and purpose of the Biometric NIC and to equate it with more of a Surveillance tool in the hands of unscrupulous authorities and governments? More so, at a time when people are finding it hard to TRUST any system of government or authority blindly.  

I will conclude by informing that I value our collective wellbeing more than my personal freedom and rights. That will shock many of my friends, but this engages only me and my vision of life and concerns for my country. My stand does not engage any other people, be it those forming part of the movements opposing the Biometric NIC or others.

I am going to apply for the new NIC before the deadline, but on one condition. I want to feel reassured, through uncompromising proof, that all those to whom this open letter is addressed are in deed already in possession of the new NIC based on the Biometric data requirements. This call for proof also applies to Mr. Navin Ramgoolam as Leader of PTr, though he is not an MLA. It can easily be done via a Press Communiqué or their respective Social Media sites. I shall await this proof of exemplarity before acting, failing which I will remain consistent with arguments rightly put forward by the opponents to the Biometric NIC since 2013/2014.