
Le Japon et l’humilité

17 août 2020, 21:10


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Le Japon et l’humilité

Le «MV Wakashio», c’est avant tout un navire japonais. Mais le peuple du pays du soleil levant a-t-il déjà entendu parler de Maurice ? Est-il au courant de la fuite de fioul ? Nous publions ci-dessous des échanges de courriels entre Jackie Forget et son amie, la Japonaise Tomoko. Lourds de sens, ces méls sont avant tout une leçon d’humilité…

Hi Jackie,

Long time no contact. How are you? I’m really feeling sad and sorry about the oil spill from the Japanese-owned bulk ship. When I saw this news, I was so shocked, I really hoped to visit Mauritius and I remember you. If there is anything I can do, please tell me. In Europe and the Middle East, this tragedy is well known by the media. Our crazy media treats this news very few :( We, the Japanese, must know about this accident and about Mauritius. Unfortunately so many people do not know Mauritius, located in the Indian Ocean, a beautiful and peaceful country, with very precious animals and plants. As a Japanese, I want to say sorry. Our country is destroying the environment, which is connected to tourism and the fishing industry. I am at a loss for words. About corona, in Mauritius is it under control? I read articles. So are you ok? I am a little bit afraid that the international rescue team perhaps bring corona. I pray this never happens. Stay safe,

Your friend Tomoko

Dear Tomoko,

Thank you for your sincere message which has left me deeply moved. I personally consider the Japanese people to be a culturally superior nation. Your sense of ethics and responsibility is worthy of admiration. Although you had no share in the environmental catastrophe that the Wakashio vessel has caused, your first reaction was to say how sorry you felt about it. You consider your whole country as jointly responsible and accountable for these dramatic consequences.

Owning up to having done something wrong is courageous but presenting apologies for the misdeeds of others reveals a high level of inner strength and accomplishment. Your fellow citizen Akihiko Ono, executive vice-president of Mitsui OSK Lines, operating company of the Wakashio vessel also presented sincere apologies, bowing deeply as required by traditional Japanese custom. I truly respect such dignity. When these attitudes are compared to those of my countrymen waho are jointly responsible for letting the Wakashio enter uncontrolled into our territorial waters, namely officers of the Ministry of Local Government and Disaster Risk Management, and the Minister, officers of the Ministry and the Minister of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping, the coastguards of the Prime Minister’s office, officers of the Ministry and Minister of Home affairs, Defense and territorial integrity (no less than our Prime Minister ), not one of them has come forward to say they bear a share, if not full responsibility nor feel any regret for what has been imposed on our sea, our land, its people, flora and fauna.

I am so ashamed. Their inability to own up to their misdeeds and apologise is symptomatic of a lack of moral backbone. The strong ones are the individuals who can analyse their actions and pass harsh judgement on themselves. Indeed, the brave go further, as you have and offer to repair, humbly asking what you can do!

As a human being, I am proud to have you as my friend Tomoko. Thank you for your offer to help. Pray that our waters quickly become clean with the bare hands of volunteers and simple means.

Human consciousness can also affect the molecular structure of water. One of your great Japanese scientists Dr Masaru Emoto has proved the transforming effects of higher awareness, benevolent thoughts or words on polluted water. Please therefore assist us by showering positive affirmations on our lagoon, our island and its population.

Call for people in Japan, in Mauritius and all over the world to meditate and send positive messages to water in Mauritius and all over the world. Pray for the water in the bodies of our undignified politicians and officials. Pray that their polluted hearts & minds be cleansed of the oil slick of shame that is covering our country.

Pray that, like you Japanese, they may also be brave enough to apologise and offer spiritual repair to our wounded nation and our planet. Your friend from Mauritius,

Jacqueline Forget.

2020 Prayer for water*

Message inspired by Dr Masuru Emoto’s request in 2011 after the Fukushima disaster.

To all people around the world,

Please send your prayers of love and gratitude to water in Mauritius and all over the planet!

It has been several weeks already since the oil from the shipwrecked MV Wakashio started to leak. It has contaminated the lagoon and seashore and is spreading to the ocean and the air in the surrounding areas.

Human wisdom has not been able to do much to avoid or solve the problem, but we are only trying to limit further damage by pumping petrol from the vessel. Efforts are underway to clean up the lagoon and seashore. Volunteers and NGOs are attempting to save local fauna by transferring them to other regions and to help populations residing at the coast to overcome the ill effects on their health.

Is there really nothing else to do?

We think there is. Water can turn positive when it receives the pure vibration of human prayer, no matter how far away it is. Now is the time to understand the true meaning of Love for the planet and the power of human consciousness. Let us all join the prayer ceremony as fellow citizens of the earth. I would like to ask all people, not just in Japan, but all around the world to please help us to find a way out of the crisis of this planet.

The daily prayer procedure is as follows…

Name of ceremony: “Let’s send our thoughts of love and gratitude to all water in Mauritius, the Indian Ocean and the world” Time: 12:00 noon in each time zone. 

Please pronounce the following affirmations and appeals:

To the water of the world: We are sorry to make you suffer. Please forgive us. We thank you and we love you.” Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times as you put your hands together in a prayer position. Please offer your sincere prayer.

Thank you!