
Plumes engagées

A wall between the two

7 octobre 2024, 16:30


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A wall between the two

A She with a pen.

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

A wall between the two,

In one room, the water running in the tub.

In the other, the mind ruminating across pages.

The questions were still hanging in midair

Why? And why not?

They both knew time held the answers captive,

firmly in the grip of the unknown.

And the echo was unbearable. What’s next?

An interpretation between the two.

He said one word. Vulnerability.

She grasped one word. Fear.

They both knew the two words overlap on the same side

of the coin.

What if one of them chooses to flip the coin?

Are they ready to explore the other side of

fear and vulnerability?

A conversation between the two.

He rationalises Art.

She dreams of Art.

Lying in bed,

naked skin brushing against each other,

she started first.

“Let’s play a game. You tell me what comes to your mind when

you look at the first square.”

“Sun,” he replied, too quickly.

She chuckled. She was not very happy

about it. Too cliché. She carried on with

the game.

On reaching the last square, he blurted out:

“Oh! This is too... artistic for me. I just..“ His voice dropped to a

whisper. “I just do not know.”

But she was not giving up yet.

She believed Art could also be a bridge.

“We do not have to look at them separately. Imagine the

scenery across time and space. An old book left open and the

yellow pages flipped by the wind. The smell of moist earth.

The blade of grass moving to and fro. The silence of the ocean

against a light blue sky. And finally, the shade of orange and

red are the fallen leaves at the foot of the trees lining up the

street, leading to your house.”

A silence between the two.

He looked straight ahead at the horizon,

torn between contradictions.

She looked at herself in the mirror,

the coin between her thumb and forefinger.

Vulnerability or


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