
L'ambassadeur de Maurice au Mozambique Jean-Pierre Jhumun rend l'âme atteint de Covid-19

24 juillet 2021, 16:00


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L'ambassadeur de Maurice au Mozambique Jean-Pierre Jhumun rend l'âme atteint de Covid-19

L'ambassadeur de Maurice au Mozambique. Jean-Pierre Jhumun, âgé de 61 ans, est décédé en Angleterre.

Originaire de Mahebourg, notre ambassadeur a rendu l'âme suite à une infection au Covid 19.

Jean-Pierre Jhumun a fait ses études à Londres et était comptable de profession. Il a été nommé ambassadeur de Maurice au Mozambique en 2015 et était posté à Maputo. Il avait été accrédité a la Tanzanie, au Malawi, au Sénégal, en Zambie, en République Démocratique du Congo et en Angola.

Voici un communiqué du ministère des Affaires étrangères sur le décès de l'ambassadeur:


Communiqué - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade

<p>We have learnt with deep regret the passing away of H.E Mr. Jean Pierre Jhumun, High Commissioner, Mauritius High Commission, Maputo, Mozavmbique. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

<p>High Commissioner J.P. Jhumun was posted to the High Commission of Mauritius in Mozambique in 2015 and was accredited to Tanzania, Malawi, Senegal, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola. He worked hard to promote &nbsp;good bilateral relations between Mauritius and these countries and was a strong advocate of the Mauritius Strategy for Africa. &nbsp;</p>

<p>High Commissioner J.P. Jhumun was very much engaged in social activities and always defended the interests of the deprived and those at the bottom of the ladder of society. &nbsp;</p>

<p>High Commissioner J.P. Jhumun suffered from some ill-health lately and was admitted to hospital. &nbsp;The Ministry gave him all possible attention during his illness and was constantly in touch with the hospital where he was receiving medical treatment.</p>

<p>The Ministry, including the diplomatic staff, the Hon. Minister Alan Ganoo and the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Ambassador H. Dillum, present its sincere condolences to the bereaved family.</p>