SOS Papa: «Pour la fête des mères, n’oubliez pas les pères !»
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SOS Papa: «Pour la fête des mères, n’oubliez pas les pères !»
L’association SOS Papa relance le débat sur le rôle important, voire incontournable, d’un père dans la vie d’un enfant, dans le cadre de la campagne tous azimuts autour de la fête des mères. Le système tend à privilégier la maman et à minimiser le rôle du papa, fait ressortir Darmen Appadoo, le président de SOS Papa : “To our astonishment, we painfully notice that in our country, much importance is given for the pompous celebration of mother’s day, both in the media and for commercial campaigns despite being a modern society and voicing out for gender equality.
In no way we as fathers are envious about such a deserved celebration nor are we undermining its importance.
We do have a special thought for fathers who have been estranged from their children. It is definitely unfortunate when a family is broken due to separation. It is natural that any responsible and caring mother should always encourage the child to bond with the biological father. Giving the proper value and importance to father’s day is a big step forward in promoting core values like love, affection and guidance.”
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