
Le jockey mauricien Azie écope de cinq semaines de suspension

17 mai 2011, 00:00


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Le jockey mauricien Azie écope de cinq semaines de suspension

Les commissaires ont été intransigeants vis-à-vis du jockey mauricien Stéphane Azie qui a écopé ce mardi 17 mai d’une lourde suspension de cinq journées. Raison : sa monte sur Power Of Poseidon dans la course d’ouverture de la 8e journée.     

Pendant plus d’une heure ce matin, mardi 17 mai, le jockey mauricien, attaché à l’écurie Maigrot depuis plusieurs années, a été interrogé par les commissaires qui n’ont pas du tout apprécié sa performance sur Power Of Poseidon dans l’épreuve d’ouverture de la 8e journée. Le rapport des commissaires en dit long sur cette enquête (voir plus loin). De son côté, Rakesh Bhaugeerothee a, lui, été suspendu pour deux journées pour avoir permis sur National Thatch à son compagnon d’écurie Broken Hill de venir se placer devant lui dans la 3e course.

Le rapport de l’enquête dans le cas du jockey Azie se lit comme suit :

« An inquiry was held into the handling of Power Of Poseidon. Trainer Maigrot explained that this gelding was running for the second week in a row and had been disappointing so far this season but was expecting an improved run from it, as such he instructed jockey Azie to jump and endeavour to obtain a position just off the leaders and wait for the  home straight for his best effort. Jockey Azie confirmed these instructions and explained that Power Of Poseidon had half-reared at the start and was slightly slow out and that he could not improve to race off the leaders. When questioned, jockey Azie explained that he had taken his mount out in order to improve round the field but Power Of Poseidon could not go faster, as such he got caught wide and only managed to get a position closer to the rails by the 800 metres. Jockey Azie also explained that upon entering the home straight, although there was room for him to improve down the inside, he decided to opt for an outside run as Mustarsel was in front of him, he therefore decided to go on the outside of Mustarsel. Jockey Azie added that he had won before on this horse without the use of the stick. When questioned, Mr. Maigrot stated that in his opinion had jockey Azie opted to improve on the inside after missing the start, he would have been closer to the leaders and upon entering the home straight Mr. Maigrot agreed that there was an inside run for Power of Poseidon to improve into and that it would have been the shortest way home but considered that even by being ridden with the whip Power Of Poseidon might not have finished in the first four. After consideration, jockey Azie pleaded guilty to a charge under Rule 160 A (i) for not riding to the satisfaction of the Stewards in that: (a) after being slow at the start when there was an opportunity for him to improve on the inside behind Hopes And Desires, he unnecessarily took his mount out, resulting in the latter running wide round the first bend until the 800 metres, thereby covering unnecessary ground, furthermore upon entering the home straight when there was an opportunity for him to take an inside run, the shortest way home, instead he unnecessarily took his mount out which resulted in him having to take it back to the inside to obtain clear running later in the home straight (b) in the home straight he failed to ride with the required vigour and determination, all of this being counterproductive to the performance of his mount. On mitigation, jockey Azie stated that he would prefer a suspension only. He was subsequently suspended from riding in races for five Mauritian race meetings. »