
Sinking to a new low

28 octobre 2016, 11:29


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Sinking to a new low

Ahoy proletarians! Your Gods have spoken! After the ineluctable fall of Heritage City, we are now being treated to another dead-end with the Omega Ark deal collapsing. The least that we could do is act surprised. After all, Omega Ark is only a complete unknown whose minimalist website would like us to believe that its headquarters are in Mauritius and that its crown jewel is the Apollo Bramwell Hospital.

Do we know how much we have lost in that deal? Not only on the financial front but also as bargaining power. We have already showed potential investors our hand. So any lingering hope of coming out best in the negotiations have long since been obliterated. On the bright side, if we are looking for experts at messing things up, we have been gifted with a whole generation of politicians keen to make their mark.

There are important questions that need to be asked. Obviously, asking for more transparency would be as realistic as Anerood Jugnauth riding on a unicorn and shouting on rooftops that the power handover to his son is a scam. One can only dream. However, when the polls come calling again, we should have our list of questions ready. No answer, no vote. Quick note: there will be no answer!

How is it possible that the projects we made with two obscure companies, Stree Consulting and Omega Ark, have both failed? The circumstances are certainly different but, at the end of the day, we had no idea who we were dealing with and we have been left gasping for air as the two companies are waving us farewell.

We have to wonder if the current regime is simply testing our limits. The Alliance Lepep might just want to know how much they can get away with before we start opening our eyes. It’s not only about Heritage City or the Omega Ark. Do we remember the Raj Dayal scandal? Have we forgiven PPS Thierry Henry for his alcohol-filled lies? What about the Vishnu Lutchmeenaraidoo-Roshi Bhadain imbroglio? Any word on all the investment that Showkutally Soodhun had allegedly secured for Heritage City from Saudi Arabia? All the people named above are still representing us in parliament.

It makes sense after all. The government is screaming, “Catch me if you can!” However, the population could not care any less as the distaste of the political class reigns supreme and the populist appeal for an upheaval of our democratic process gains momentum. Unfortunately, while waiting for the next best thing, we have sunk to a new low with this regime. The hundreds of people working at Apollo Bramwell can tell us all about it while they fear for their future.

The post-Lepep era is something we should all fear as their political enemies will seek revenge and the common man will be left up sh*t creek without a paddle!


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