
Manufacturing consent

23 décembre 2016, 11:08


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Manufacturing consent

The pejorative connotation attached to the word propaganda is very often a fair one. In many ways, the contemporary world has been built on the words of a few that have managed to bring people together to stand by their ideals. The best way to disseminate those ideals is through propaganda. The masters at that game post-WWII have been the United States. In Mauritius, we are only learning now but we are learning fast.

The idea was initially brought forward by Noam Chomsky, prominent linguist and political philosopher. He argued that the US had a very distinct way of getting its political actions approved by the proletariat via manipulation of the mass media. For example, after WWII, the US was engaged in a cold war with the Soviet Union. To justify its proxy wars with the Soviet Union, in Korea (1950-1953) and Vietnam (1955-1975), the US convinced everyone that the war against communism was worth the thousands of American lives lost in battle. A similar stance was taken after 9/11 with the waging of the war on terror. However, the purpose of that propaganda is not about determining what is right or wrong. It is about getting the people on your side, or as Chomsky called it, manufacturing consent. 

In Mauritius, Xavier-Luc Duval impressed a lot of observers by leaving behind the government because of the Prosecution Commission bill. The commission, which would mean that the executive would have its claws in the judiciary, would have needed a constitutional amendment. Without the PMSD and a three-quarter majority, the government cannot go through with it anymore. At face value, Duval needs to be celebrated for saving the country from what would have arguably been a new low for the Alliance Lepep regime. 

However, we all know the PMSD’s long-term objective. They have been speaking about it for ages, whether behind closed doors or on the biggest stages. The PMSD dreams of power and of Xavier-Luc Duval as prime minister. They would never have achieved it by staying on as the MSM’s supporting act. But the question is, why now? The PMSD have stayed by the MSM’s side through thick and thin over the last two years. Arguing that they are leaving the government because of a rushed constitutional amendment is a mildly underwhelming explanation given how they went ahead with the amendments to the Prevention of Terrorism Act last week. 

By leaving the sinking ship that is the Alliance Lepep, just as he had left the Labour Party in 2014, Duval excuses himself from any of the disastrous consequences that will ineluctably follow. As a reminder, the Labour Party was the only one vilified for their nine years in power while the PMSD should have shared a lot of that responsibility as well.

It is the political prowess of Duval that is on show right now. By becoming the leader of the opposition, Duval will finally get to lead. He’s on his way to manufacturing consent and making himself a valid prime ministerial candidate for 2019. You fool no one Xavier but well played!

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