
Engliss potiss

31 mars 2017, 09:00


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Ze Mauritians are irritated . Zey are saying zat ze parliamentarians soud «koz kréol do» instead of using ze language of Sakespire. As a result of ze boycott of our mozer tongue – used only for insulting adversaries – we do not understand ze quarter of ze beginning of what some of zem are saying zer.

One of ze sings we retained however : ze ispeakrine of the House kept saying «Odeur ! Odeur !» As if somesing was rotten in ze state of Mauritius. Ozer subject of actuality ze people are ispeaking about : ze report of ze Audit. Ze pipoule’s heart skipped a beating, zeir jaws fell wide open like the sark in Les dents de la mer. Why is zat you will say? It is because zey heard zat Mrs Vijaya touched a big sum for her job at ze Cardiac center. Husband good zis salary was.

Zoz who are rinting zer cadavers night and day for Rs 5 000 are asking zemselves what artery zey soud take to get ze same amount of money as ze Madam. Who finally resigned yesterday under ze pressure. Poor rich woman. Ozerwise, some are also envizazing to change job and become receptionnists at ze BrownSéquard hospital. Zer, you can get millions just by saying «allô fou isi mental» if you do overtime. Last but not least, a few days back, our right honorouble venerable Mentor Sir celebrated his eighty-sevens birsday. Asked about the taste of his big cake after ze party, he told the zournalists not to make him fall off from ze kal.

He did «wee-wee» on zem and did not answer zeir questions. He also commented on ze leader of ze opposition’s face, saying it was like a wizered mango, whilst Pee-Jay was shouting : «Pierce ze nets.» What spicy dialogues.