

22 novembre 2017, 07:52


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I have had many friends in my life and my best friends have been cakes. Really, there are as many types of cakes as there are friendships in the world, you could say that the world is a big pastry shop with a wide selection of cakes out there with which we entertain different types of relationships.

There are cakes that are your secret friends, they have been with you through the hard times, yet only the two of you know what you have been through, nobody else will ever understand. There are other cakes with which the friendship is sort of uncomfortable, you are not going to admit to ever appreciating them, for example nobody needs to know that you like eating oundé or piaw.

There are other cakes with whom you share a one-off relationship, you ate them for a long stretch, like all the time, then you stop eating them for months or even years, yet you know one day you will get back to eating them and things will just be back where it was before. On the other hand, there are other cakes that you cannot live one day without, you literally need to have them by your side, in your office drawer or your handbag.

There are other cakes that don’t always have your best interests in mind, in the long term they mean more harm than good. You have been trying to get rid of your addiction to them but to no avail. There are also those which are so much fun, without them there is no party.

There are those cakes that you know from the first moment that you two are going to become great friends. The first time you saw them, you knew it would be the beginning of a great friendship. Then, before you know it, you are seeing them every day. And even at those moments you are not with them, you can’t help thinking about them, and wish they were there with you.

There are other cakes that you knew from day one that they are not made for you. You are going to make some other guy happy some day but this is not going to work between us. Sorry, but no hard feelings.

There are those cakes which you meet only on special occasions, like birthdays and weddings, always neatly dressed and all. And those you meet only when there are certain festivals and celebrations. I get the impression that the gato patat has put on some weight this year, isn’t it?

There are cakes that you have been introduced to by common friends. You need to meet this cake, I am sure you will like it. What are you doing on Sunday afternoon? Come to my place, it will be there, I’ll just introduce the two of you.

Some cakes, however, don’t get along together, no matter how much you try to fix them up. If you are inviting this cake, then I am not coming. Sorry, I have my principles.

There are certain cakes in your life that are always your friends and you just have to accept it. You see them even though you don’t really want to see them. They have been part of your life for such a long time, you literally start taking them for granted. You’re late, they wait. You don’t show up, they’re not upset. You try to ignore them, they understand. Monn plin ek sa samousa la, met li dan kwin,plitar mo ava manz li.

This is all to say that a person will know a lot of cakes in the course of his life. But he will love just two or three. At times only one. We can all remember the first one we loved. Mine was a napolitaine. It was such a passionate affair. It was a beautiful cake: colourful, sweet and delicious. What a cake. I still remember how I longed to take it out for coffee.

But the day came when you fell out of love with your first love. The second one was a different kind of love story. It’s the romantic kind, the kind where the more you get to know your cake, the more you love it. You first came across it through a friend who had been talking about it for a long time. He kind of set you up. You decided to give it a try. It was amazingly delicious. Enn lakrem dan gato.It was love at first bite.