
Budget: tap tap tap latab (part II)

7 juin 2019, 09:30


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Le Budget 2019- 2020 sera présenté lundi. Une partie du menu a fuité de lakwizinn. Avant-goût.

Madam Speaker, it is indeed an honour to present the fifth national budget in this government’s mandate. We are charting three main pathways as we pursue our transformative journey to win the next elections.

First, this budget will be even more driven by innovation. I am earmarking 10 sous x 1.3 million for space exploration. My friend Ravi will be the first Zanzonaut to be sent vers l’infini et au-delà. He will be ejected on another planet known as Zazanyus. He will be accompanied by E.T (ienne), and they will be living on biscuits and water.

Secondly, to secure sustainable development, we will make significant investment to protect and enhance our environment and marine resources. Anil and the Lamores team will be in charge of cleaning our beaches and our fonds marins. Like Jack, he will be helped in this task by Rose, also known as Vijaya. This project has been named The Titanique.

Thirdly, we will work towards lifting the stan- dard and quality of life of the population. I am hereby setting up a special bullshit tax of 20% everytime a dishonourable minister or MP has a tongue problem. They will have to pay for every slip of the langue or kozage de tata. (Tap tap tap tap tap latab)