
Plumes engagées


12 février 2024, 12:30


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À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

My very simple personal theory about a working love relationship.

The nomenclature eagolibrium is my neologism made of the contraction – eagle, colibri [humming dird] and equilibrium.


Eagle-eagle relationship. It doesn’t work. Both partners having huge egos will cause the relationship to implode or simply making the relationship toxic, at some point.

Colibri-colibri. It doesn’t work either. They will eventually bring each other down.

Eagle-colibri. This works with the subtlety that the partners will take turns at being the Eagle.

The interchangeability of their roles is and will be the substantial cement to their long-lasting relationship.

There is this trust that whenever one is having a bad day or in sickness; he/she knows that he/she can rely on the solicitude of the other – each partner therefore having the opportunity to carry one another.

It can’t be one partner being the Eagle permanently or else, the eagle will feel ‘hindered’ or dragged down along the way.

So there it is; the balance, the equilibrium.


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Robert Comarmond

Concomitamment homme de lettres et homme de chiffres, bouclant la boucle, on peut désormais le désigner aussi comme un homme de sciences. Autodidacte et allergique à l’ultracrépidarianisme, il met un point d’honneur à s’exprimer seulement sur les sujets qu’il maîtrise.