
‘Allez Maurice’ – the latest blockbuster

12 juin 2014, 00:36


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‘Allez Maurice’ – the latest blockbuster

In case you have been too busy watching the leader of the opposition’s index finger on the switch putting the Labour/MMM alliance on-off and then on again without blinking, you may have missed the latest blockbuster: the Great Maurice Allet show. It is absolutely ingenious. Allez Maurice!


You will recall that a few months ago, while he was enjoying the perks of his position at the helm of the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA), Allet had been called to appear in court in the case of an alleged conspiracy – a charge he, admittedly, has been cleared of since. However, while the former attorney general and PPS Reza Issack were quick to report to court for the same allegation, Allet decided to extend his holiday – sorry, mission – abroad and no one heard from him for days.


This time around is no different. When the leader of the PMSD – the party of which he was president – resigned from government, untying the knot of an alliance he had been in for 15 years, many PMSD political nominees responded by handing over their resignation. Allet, on the other hand, went into hiding. When he waltzed back into public life, it was to resign… not from his position as the head of the MPA – no, oh no, perish the thought! – but from the presidency of the PMSD!


Surrounded by fellow PMSD we-are-here-to-stay guys, he straightened himself in his chair and gave the journalists present a lengthy history of why he left his party: His party and the Labour Party had been faithful to each other for 15 years and they suddenly decided to opt out of an alliance where they had four elected members, five chairmen of parastatal bodies and – hold your breath – no less than 30 political nominees plus three ambassadors! “What more do you want?” He asked almost innocently. “You leave a winning team and go on a suicidal trip?!”


What about the disagreement over electoral reform? What disagreement? What’s this contention about the 10% threshold? “If we are below the 10%, it’s because of Xavier Duval himself and Mamade Khodabaccus – the general secretary of the PMSD – who, every time he opens his mouth, the party loses more supporters.”


When the press conference drew to an end, Allet had not uttered a word about his post as chairman of the MPA – a position he owes to being a member of the PMSD. When a journalist put the question to him, he seemed confused, even surprised: “Resign? Why resign?” He asked before delving back into a rambling, bitter diatribe on the wrongs of his former leader and party members.


Yes, why resign? Isn’t one resignation enough? Why didn’t anyone think of that? “Do you think I am staying because I have something to gain from this position?” he stated. Of course not! All chairmen of parastatals are there to servi pays. We have become familiar with that. It’s not as if the salary, the car and the trips abroad – business class please, thank you – or the per diem made any difference to anyone intent on serving their country.


But apart from Allet, over 25 nominees are still hiding in their funk holes and enjoying the perks of being vice-presidents and members of different boards. Some of them are SC failures and others are failed lawyers who can never make a living out of their profession. They will lay low until everyone has forgotten about them.


My red blood is blue, Allet summed up. Or maybe his blue blood has turned red overnight. Like that of many other nominees who have never heard of the word ‘dignity’. Their blood could even be colourless as long as they continue to enjoy the perks.