
Tears for police officers

4 mai 2016, 17:00


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Tears for police officers


Another Labour Day! Another Day of sadness for Police Officers. Despite many promises the Police Officers are still waiting for enactment which will give them the right to unionize.

Section 17 of the Police Act 1974 which states as follows;

Police not to be members of a union

(1) ‘‘Subject to subsection (2), no police officer shall be a member of any trade union of employees, or of any association having for its objects the control or influence of the pay, pensions, or conditions of service of the Police Force

(2) Police officers may, for the purpose of bringing to the notice of Government all matters affecting their welfare and efficiency, establish a Police Federation

(3) Repealed

(4) The Police Federation shall be independent of, and not associated with, any organisation or person outside the Police Force

(5) Any police officer who contravenes subsection (1) shall commit an offence

(6) Where any question arises as to whether an organisation is a Trade Union of employees or an association to which this section applies, the question shall be determined by the Tribunal,’’

is according to my humble opinion against Section 13 of the Constitution which states that;

Protection of freedom of assembly and association (1) Except with his own consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of assembly and association, that is to say, his right to assemble freely and associate with other persons and, in particular, to form or belong to trade unions or other associations for the protection of his interests. (2) Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be in- consistent with or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question makes provision - (a) in the interests of defense, public safety, public order, public morality or public health; (b) for the purpose of protecting the rights or freedoms of other persons; or (c) for the imposition of restrictions upon public officers, except so far as that provision or, as the case may be, the thing done under its authority is shown not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society.

Note that Section 3 of Employment Relations Act reads very clearly that the Act shall not apply to a member of a disciplined force except the Mauritius Prison Services and the Fire Services. Thus meaning that the only disciplined force which IS deprived of the right to form a trade union is the Police Officers.

Police Officers can’t raise their voices on

(1) basic issues such as lack of uniforms, shoes, socks, raincoats, caps so on;

(2) conditions of pay (over- time is an alien concept within the Police Force);

(3) promotions – examinations – examination papers – challenge to examination results and more so as syllabus is a dark secret that is kept in the coffers of the Commissioner of Police;

(4) deprived of the right to be represented by lawyers before disciplinary committees.

The working conditions of Police Officers are so poor that even the saints in Paradise can’t understand how they accept to work with such a meagre salary within akin toilet conditions.

The above list is very economical towards truth.

Are we surprised that frustration is so widespread among the Police Force?

A trade union will not cure all problems but at least dignity of Police Officers will not be trampled on a daily basis without impunity.

Yes Police Officers need a trade union but it should not be different to what the Fire Services and Prison Officers have…. Yes respect Police Officers and please don’t shed any fears.