
A Gender Earthquake

3 novembre 2016, 07:13


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A Gender Earthquake

“There will never be complete equality until women themselves help to make law and elect lawmakers”, emphasized civil rights leader Susan Anthony in the 19th Century while she was trying to secure women’s suffrage.

Time flew by. Thanks to many men and women, things have evolved positively. Today we can safely advance that whatever will happen on 8 November, 2016 has been a gender earthquake. Americans and the world are currently watching what is probably the most epic and salacious battle of the sexes. According to New York Times journalist Maureen Dowd, who has authored the famous Are Men Necessary?, it is quite amazing that former first lady Hillary, who is the first woman ever to run for president as the nominee of a major party in the 240-year history of the US, “is going up against a thrice-married Rat Pack reality TV star who still calls women ‘sweetheart’ and rates their racks!

Since last week-end’s development – that the FBI is looking into more Hillary-related emails – feminist groups are calling voters not to lose focus on the fact that this year’s Democratic nominee could smash “the highest, hardest glass ceiling of the world”. They emphasize this is happening amidst allegations of demeaning language and degrading conduct toward women – which is actually the single-most problematic issue for Donald Trump.


On almost all talk shows, political pundits are underscoring the contrast between the two candidates. While Clinton says that Trump’s too unpredictable to be president, the latter keeps shouting that she’s too predictable to run and make America “great again”. Trump can excite his crowds but falters on substance; Hillary has substance but falters on exciting her crowds. A political dilemma.

The boor versus the bore,” Time’s Charlotte Atler calls it, “He’s anti-political correctness and she’s always overcorrecting. He does the post-ideological shuffle and she does the whatever-it-takes-to-win slide.''

According to many journalists, while it is true that Trump “trashes the press”, he constantly engages with them. This is not the case for Hillary who “praises the press” but routinely hides from journalists, especially since the FBI started a new investigation on her emails. This is probably why voters seem to be agonizing about whether they can trust either candidate. They both have a fluid relationship with the Truth (for whatever that term means in a political campaign!)

The 2016 election is considered to be the nastiest in modern history. “You have to go all the way back to 1884 to find a choice between two candidates who had big liabilities the way Hillary and Donald do”, says John Dickerson, the host of Face the Nation.

Today, for the first time in History, we have a deeply polarized USA not just by party or by individuals but by gender. This is the one main change we are seeing. While people are asking jokingly how they should address President Bill Clinton if his wife wins the political race (many have suggested ‘first gentleman’), it is obvious that the US political landscape has profoundly changed. So much so that we wonder if the US could go back (and backward) to the formerly normal ticket of two men? This is already a big victory for Hillary, and for her fellow countrymen.