
Ban Plastic Straw

1 février 2019, 13:31


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Ban Plastic Straw

Where did we get the habit to use straw to drink? Maybe from Marvin Stone, the inventor of the first paper straw in 1888. But researchers have showed that the habit of using a cylindrical tube has a history as old as humanity. 

The Tamils have been using cylindrical tubes for thousands of years to drink coconut juice amongst others. Bambou have been used by many nations for many hundred years. But what is wrong with plastic straws? Briefly because plastic straws have a big negative impact on marine life. Plastic straws are “killing” countless marine mammals. 

The whole ecosystem is affected by the use of plastic straws as the majority end up after use in the sea. Toxic and chemical in plastic litter are absorbed by marine mammals (Do you remember the video which went viral about the suffocated tortoise with a 20 cans plastic straw inside his nostril...) And after absorption the toxins and chemicals bio-accumulate through the food chain thus directly affecting the ecosystem. We are in a way committing self-injury to our own lives. 

Plastic straws are one of the top ten contributions to what has been termed as marine debris. Marine debris (also known as marine litters) is human created waste that has been released, intentionally or not, in the sea, lake, ocean or waterway. And floating oceanic litter or debris accumulate at the centre of gyres and on coastline. Go to the seaside after the passage of a cyclone and you will be surprised...or are our eyes so accustomed with plastic that we accept their presence without questioning their effects on our lives...Examples of marine debris: plastic bags, cigarette buds, derelict fishing gear, plastic bottles, discarded soda cans...and also plastic straws. All are man made! 

In Mauritius, we use roughly around 1 million plastic straws a day (From our “National Planes” to the hôtels via fast food outlets) while the grumpy-greedy Americans due to their style of life use around 500 million straws a day. And after using a plastic straw to consume our beverage the plastic straw becomes waste...How long does it take to drink a glass of cold drink with a plastic straw? May be 1 minute and for a child not more than 10 minutes but do you know that the plastic straw will continue to contaminate the blue planet for 400-500 years..

So time is right to skip the plastic straw and the time is now. Plastics don’t biodegrade. I appeal to the Government to ban plastic straws. Alternatives do exist: 
- Paper straws. Paper straws are biodegradable and from a renewable source. Very cheap from India. 
- Glass straws and children are very fond of them. 
- bambou straws.
- stainless steel straws which can be washed easily.

But I believe the best is to use your hands. Or have you forgotten how to drink from a glass without the use of plastic straw? If you have the steps to success are: 

  1. fill the glass with water
  2. pick up the glass of water
  3. Tip the glass back like your grandma told you
  4. enjoy the water..

Which political party will have the courage to say that they will ban plastic straw? Hope Labour Party will be the first. Or are we a nation of “straw men”....