
A vote for P is a vote for P

24 octobre 2019, 07:05


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Here’s something to tickle your funny bone. In the candidate poaching offensive that the MSM engaged in before the launch of the electoral campaign, quite a few MMM candidates had no hesitation in rushing onto the MSM platform with bells on, leaving skid marks behind. They all thought they were heading for victory and that their former party did not have a single chance of ever leaving the opposition benches. They must now be kicking themselves. 

When Paul Bérenger, dejected, was talking about a crisis, we were quick to reassure him that the whole episode was a blessing in disguise for him. Our dear Paul is all the better for it. We can now say with a certain degree of certainty – though there is never anything certain in politics – that come what may, he will be in government. The question is: will he choose to associate himself with the one he has more affinities with or with the one who is more desperate?

Away from the clichés and false perceptions, Paul Bérenger and Navin Ramgoolam have a lot in common. Away from the cameras, they willingly admit to respecting each other. Bérenger, I am told, used to keep the cigars he received from the Cuban ambassador for his River Walk neighbour. I am also told that Ramgoolam had coffee sent to Bérenger’s place when the latter ran out. Both are well-read men living in relatively modest, unostentatious houses full of books. But politics is not about friendship or even affinities but rather about self-interest. 

“Bérenger needs to get into power and Jugnauth is desperate enough to dish up a much larger slice of the cake than Ramgoolam ever would.”

In that field, a post-electoral alliance with the MSM looks more attractive and more likely. Admittedly, Pravind Jugnauth and Bérenger do not have the same interests or concerns. The contempt Bérenger feels for Jugnauth is crystallised in the ‘ti cretin’ moniker he gave to the latter. But Bérenger needs to get into power and Jugnauth is desperate enough to dish up a much larger slice of the cake than Ramgoolam ever would. Ramgoolam has less to lose if he does not accede to power. Yes, it would be the end of his leadership of the Labour Party (LP) but at his age, he must already be contemplating life after the LP. His house, private life, bank accounts have been made public and the CCID, the ICAC, the MRA, the FBI, forensic experts and the courts have washed him clean. Jugnauth Junior, on the other hand, has so many skeletons in his closet that one would not know where to start. Serenitygate, Maradivagate, his apparently very expensive house, public money lavished on family and cronies, suspect exorbitant projects… and the many ‘gates’ to come will make the MedPoint saga look like an act of charity. So, how much would he give to keep away from justice? Half the prime ministership seems like a good deal to me. 

So, you must have noticed how the last wave of MMM defectors has been sacrificed for the higher cause. Sanjeeven Permall, Prakash Meenowa, Hurmila Routho and Viren Ramchurn found themselves on the sidelines. The earlier defectors were sent to slaughterhouses. Former ministers and MPs Bérenger resented were discarded. Bhai Ahmad, in spite of his pandering, will probably never get to see the inside walls of the State House. The MMM and MSM are now fine, thank you, and the vicious attacks on one another have drastically diminished. So once the election is over, Bérenger will bite the bullet and use the squeaky clean image that the MBC and some mercenary journalists have helped Jugnauth build to join forces with him. He will swallow everything he had said about scandals, corruption, nepotism, state capture… and grit his teeth until his jaws start aching.  

The thirst of those eager for answers will remain unquenched. Remember that Bérenger was in government waiting to become prime minister when Jugnauth Junior signed a Rs45 million cheque to himself as compensation for the state deciding not to rent his Sun Trust any more in an outrageous case where the State Law Office put up absolutely no defence. Did anyone hear him protest?

So it looks as if Bérenger is sipping on his coffee while Ramgoolam and Jugnauth are running wild. Who will occupy the chair across the table from him is entirely up to him. But he already has a bloody good idea.


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