
Sweet, sour and ugly

26 décembre 2019, 07:22


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Two sweet and much appreciated moments occurred this year. Two gifts from heaven which helped us forget – at least for as long as they lasted – a year riddled with scandals of all kinds: first, the Indian Ocean Island Games during which medals rained and excellence was showered on a people tired of mediocrity. It was a high watermark in the year that showed us at our best. One nation with one heart beating to the same rhythm – that of our national anthem. The great positive vibes we felt as one country and the euphoria driven by our athletes overshadowed a mediocre organisation and a level of politicisation and monopolisation rarely seen before.

The pope’s visit, short but rich in teachings, had a much needed soothing effect on a country suffering from the scourge of drugs, nepotism, lack of meritocracy, exclusion and a wild development that is benefiting a few privileged ones at the expense of the many. Once again, the whole country became one nation and people of all religions and all stripes took time from their busy schedule to have a glimpse of an honoured guest. And the guest did not disappoint: during a flying visit, he sent many laudable messages, some directly, some in a very subtle way. He came, he saw and he conquered. The contentment and peaceful sense of well-being the pope brought remained with us for a long time.

The great positive vibes we felt as one country and the euphoria driven by our athletes overshadowed a mediocre organisation and a level of politicisation and monopolisation rarely seen before.”

These sweet moments were sadly followed by a sour political campaign. It was short, intense and generous in electoral gifts and spin doctoring. The population was steamrollered by the full weight of the government and its PR machine, loyally served by our national broadcaster – the MBC. Emotions ran very high before a very ugly chapter opened for the first time in our history. A number of cracks and irregularities appeared in an electoral system we had blindly trusted. The Electoral Commissioner’s Office came under the spotlight with a series of allegations and disappointments, resulting in a dozen petitions lodged at the Supreme Court – an unprecedented situation in this country.

And the year closed on an ambivalent note of optimism and cynicism. The optimism of those who believe that the Judiciary is still our final bastion that stands up for justice. That optimism was fed on an almost daily basis through the number of discoveries that the electoral commissioner himself qualified as unacceptable and irregular, calling for investigations: ballot papers, electoral registers and ballot boxes etc. found outside the voting stations. The cynics on the other hand are not raising their hopes very high. For them, the whole system is not to be trusted and nothing more should be expected from a Judiciary unlikely to want to rock the boat.

Then it was time for the government to close parliament and enjoy a maximum number of holidays.

I hope you will enjoy the few you have this festive season.

Happy New Year and many wishes for a more just and meritorious society.

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