
Covid-19: time for a goverment of national unity

30 mars 2020, 14:34


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  • Will the world be the same again after the Coronavirus pandemic?
  • Will we be the same human beings again?
  • Will we be able to fight back alone?
  • Will be as a nation try to hold a coordination with the Islands of the Indian Ocean to find some solutions to our common problems and challenges?
  • Will the post Covid-19 be a world of cooperation or more rivalry and self-centred?
  • Will the world psyche change for good?

A reply to all the above questions are important for the future of our blue planet.

Our lives have been topsy-turvy. Will the world leaders act differently now!

China is offering help to the whole world. The credentials of China as a world leader have gained great momentum.

In nearly every parts of the world there have been a truce…

Save in Libya. The communists in Philippines have agreed to a ceasefire.

Many will die.

The economy will stutter but new challenges will perhaps relaunch the economy thus killing the scourge of a recession of colossal proportion.

Out of the Covid-19 quagmire, we have the chance to start anew ... to reset!

To change fundamentally …

We must be united in order to succeed. If we don’t succeed we will unleash all the demons of ultra-nationalism and authoritarianism and dictatorship …

Democracy will take a severe blow … Human rights will become a luxury which will be available only in the Scandinavian countries …

Yes, but what about the Republic of Mauritius?

We are a Republic deprived, up to now, of basic raw materials.

Our greatest asset is our people.

We have a myriad of challenges to face. No need to list them here. Just close your eyes and you will realise how impotent we have become.

  • What should we do in Mauritius?
  • Must we continue with our bickerings in a permanent way?
  • Is playing petty, inciting politics still the aim of our politicians?
  • Criticize to score cheap goals and if we apply VAR (video-aided referees), we will see that  criticisms are as bad as the proposals?

We have to face our future united.

I humbly think that it is time to have in place a government of national unity.

Yes, we are living in a small aquarium. We cannot afford to lose or put aside one single brain (including those who have a high degree of emotional intelligence) but we need to muster all our energies to go forward.

Forget the great promises by every party at the last elections. Covid-19 have erased in a nano of second all your promises.

The new agenda must be “point form” and clear for everybody to understand:

  • We must put on board everybody and that for four years.
  • We must put environment – security of food – revamp the whole police force – civil service – SME – reform of National assembly – on a priority list and take tough unpopular and unpalatable decisions.
  • How is it that a school, after 7 years of schooling, obtain only 12% of passes at the final primary exams without triggering any inquiry? Have we not jeopardized the future of innocent children for life? Are we not all guilty for our silence?
  • Why are you scared to look for outside of the box solution for the drub problems? Why?

The mudslinging in  Mauritian politics must stop.

Pravind has won against all odds. Now is the time for him to become a statesman. Take the lead! Call for a national unity government.

  • New President – Paul Bérenger (he deserves it and will bring more aura to the post)
  • New multi-diplomatic agenda for Dr Ramgoolam
  • Xavier Duval at the ministry of Tourism
  • Arvind Boollel to Agro-Security

Ok, it is not my prerogative.

But put everybody on board. Amend the Constitution to be able to nominate 3-4 non politicians as ministers with a sunset clause if needs be.

  • Do not forget the extra parliamentarians who have so much to offer.
  • Get a council of all the patriots.
  • For example: if you wish to clean Mauritius and “green & flower” Mauritius, leave it to Médine. See how the Western coast is becoming beautiful.
  • If you want to get workers in a “participatory model as proposed long ago by late Guy Ollivry” get Jack Bizlall and others on board.
  • The Mauritian entrepreneurs can help with novel ideas but with a time schedule.
  • Open the new Supreme Court and in the same vein put Mr Balancy at the head of a Commission to modernise the judiciary with powers to draft the relevant laws after consultation with the people of Mauritius.

Reform and do not be scared!

We cannot act like dodos.

We owe it to our children.

Or will we wait for another pandemonium to happen …

If Gantz and Netanyahu can work together after 3 vile electoral campaigns, why can’t we… Why?

Please do no bollix the future of the next generation …