
Cracking under the pressure

6 mars 2014, 06:48


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Cracking under the pressure

If there is a limit to intellectual dishonesty, it has not been discovered yet. And certainly the events following the discovery of the cracks (chasms is a more appropriate word) in the brand new Ring Road are not likely to make our journey towards this discovery any shorter. Under other circumstances, we would all be cracking up.


It is an embarrassing moment for the country. Very embarrassing. And no one can accuse us of bad faith. When the new road opened, we hailed it as the most precious Christmas gift we had ever received. The press from all boards waxed lyrical about its beauty and elegance. As for the convenience it has added to our lives, suffice it to say that most of us commuters received an average of one hour or two a day as a gift. Two hours of stressful time we used to spend stuck in horrendous traffic jams we can now add to our leisure time. No mean feat. Who cares about the cost? Who can put a price on our time and serenity? So, we smiled and looked forward to more of the same as the other stretch of road was due to open.


Before it did, however, cracks started showing slowly but surely. Then parts of the road turned into a pitiful sight. Still, no problem. After all, when you embark on a project of such magnitude, you expect some things to go wrong. That’s why there is a warranty and a maintenance period during which the building company undertakes to right the wrongs which may appear in the construction they have handed over to the client. Except that, in this case, instead of the companies involved in the construction – not exactly third class builders you might expect to run away with your money – endorsing the responsibility, the usual ridiculous folklore of dancing around the truth started between the Ministry, the Road Development Authority and the builders. So, as it is usually the case, it is nobody’s fault. Another film with no villains!


Then the builders suddenly had an attack of conscience and – after denying any responsibility at all in a road they were entirely responsible for building – and after a lengthy meeting with foreign consultants – out of the blue decided that they were, in fact, taking full responsibility for the repairs! Pity, they denied themselves the dignity of taking responsibility for what they did out of their own initiative. They would have avoided getting on the wrong side of the taxpayers by suggesting that the government use our money to pay for the bad workmanship showing on this road.


Now we don’t know what the foreign consultants – who must be cracking up at us as we speak – suggested but there are some serious questions to be asked here: first, if we can no longer trust big, reputable companies with our roads, who do we turn to? And who is going to pay for the delays caused by poor workmanship? What did the report of the consultants include? Why did the building companies suddenly have a change of heart? And above all, how are mistakes like these to be avoided in the future? Of course, we don’t expect any answers other than the usual reaction: move along, nothing to see here.