
Mamma Meeah!

8 décembre 2012, 15:42


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All the ingredients for forgetting about the village and municipal elections the day after polling day were there: total indifference from the population, a low turnout, one candidate, in fact, scoring one single vote, which reveals that even his closest family did not bother, candidates and political parties’ un-contagious enthusiasm and predictable results. The muck hurled at one another was not atypical of our honourable members and no one took a second look at the shovel, bucket or other symbols that the candidates were brandishing. Yet, these elections will become memorable. Ahead of the polls, the sleepy calm and indifference of our towns and villages were punctuated by loud accusations and counter accusations which have made this electoral campaign go down as a period during which the Central Criminal Investigation Department (CCID) registered the longest queues.

Apart from the fact that this shows how hard it is for our politicians to deal sensibly with not being in the limelight, there are very serious issues which we cannot be complacent about. Our right as citizens to know the truth about our public money and the morality of those holding the levers of power.

Cehl Meeah has been making the headlines with accusations he seems to have pulled out of a hat.

We followed his various moves with fascinated horror and editorial writers around the country have been taking their printed whacks at him. Hervé Aimée came out immediately declaring that he had no objection to his bank account being scrutinised as he had nothing to hide. A laudable move which we can only commend. However, after that public statement, there has been a certain reluctance of the minister to take up Cehl Meeah’s challenge to make his accounts public. We are not saying that Aimée is guilty of what he is being accused of. Far from it. What we are saying is that there is a very quick way to put an end to these allegations. Will Aimée opt for it? Will Cehl Meeah be disgraced or will he enter history as someone who has always been – to quote one of George Bush’s mangled malapropisms, ‘misunderestimated’?

Following from this is Nita Deerpalsing’s accusation that Anerood Jugnauth and Paul Bérenger have met Cehl Meeah on a number of occasions – eight or 13 depending on who is talking – something which suggests some sort of a plot in the light of the campaign going on. So Jugnauth enters the fray.

His denial was followed by his landing at the CCID to lodge a formal complaint against Deerpalsing.

This whole saga was crowned by Richard Duval marching into the cyber crime unit of the CCID to lodge another complaint against Meeah.

Accusations continued within the national assembly with a less publicized but no less serious accusation against Leela Devi Dookhun following the letter tabled about her alleged conflict of interest in a case which cost the state some Rs57 million.

The waters just seem to get muddier and muddier and we are all sitting asking questions with perhaps little hope of getting any answers. From Med Point to Leela Devi Dookhun going through Hervé Aimée and Nita Deerpalsing, we are helpless spectators in a storm of alleged malpractices and corruption. The series of denunciations are perhaps a fitting end to a miserably uninteresting election and the beginning of another insipid one. With such a tiny mouse as the jackpot, Meeah has managed to spin a huge elephant. What a feat, Mr Meeah!