
Plumes engagées

I’m leaving

5 septembre 2024, 17:07


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I’m leaving

Valtonaise & Morax Muerte

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

Alluding, with certitude, towards

A reality that you are an orphan

The day mum and dad have gone

You are completely cut off, searching

Desperately for your owns to own you back Now you fully understand that

You are on your own

Now, you are aware that You are your only own

Expect to be rejected, for

Expectations from relatives

Would bring down the respect,

Your illusionary beliefs on them

I’m leaving,

I’m walking with no one

To hold my hand and to lead me

Under no guidance,

I am condemned

To a stagnant growth

Wildly attempting to exist in spite of

Bitter grudges that have turned your tongue Sour,

I exist,

I try to make as if everything is normal

Don’t blame my sentences f or being so dirty

If you are auto correcting me, you’re enforcing your rights

I have no one; if you want me to live by your rules

Adopt me, will you, by putting these words

Into actions

Where are you going, why has your finger dropped?

You have guts to criticise my living but

You are not brave though, you are like my “others”; ok then

I’m leaving;

I’m living with my pride



Valtonaise & Morax Muerte

Anoopa Dussoye, aka Valtonaise, is an aspiring poetess. As for Vikram Ballgobin, aka Morax Muerte, he is a poet turned slammer in 2022, who has just received the first prize for his poem from the Nelson Mandela Centre for African Culture. They are currently co-authoring a poetry collection entitled “Assorted”.