
Plumes Engagées


30 mai 2024, 13:00


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À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

Our youngsters, our future – A promising duty

to protect them from danger!

Primitive of the womb, the placenta was a fortress.

A growing toddler to an adolescent,

strangers on the path are no innocent.

Beware of friends as so many are fiends.

Drug dealers masking as leaders,

encircling the vulnerable in a vicious peer group pressure.

From a free cigarette to an unknown substance,

addiction occurs in an instance.

Mirage of great colours to shadows of black,

delusion can be the cause of sudden attack.

Canvassing boozing, soothing harmers are in disguise

of sympathisers.

Bottles of arrack keeping one’s mind off track,

journeys are in hatchback without the insurance

of a comeback.

To the parents, the first teachers,

attention is drawn on education, obedience,

respecting the fine lines and discipline.

From liberty to carefreeness,

the culprit is mindlessness accolated by carelessness.

Accumulated ignored mistakes,

reflection never lies and is in the mirror.

Overpampered to impertinent, image is that

of a juvenile delinquent.

Broken pieces of tragic errors,

shattered dreams to unconsoled screams,

somehow regret has no cure and can only be accepted.

Prevention has an expiration.

Late correction is unfortunately out of date and time.

Don’t blame fate but weak insights and wrong mates.

Refusal is a power.

Know how and when to say no.

Safe choice to rejoice,

being thoughtful is an intelligent art for the smart.

Life was never easy.

The first won competition among millions

was fertilisation

embarking us all on earth.

Why choosing slow death over good health?

Is that maturity? **

“Intoxication, the jail of illusion

never provides any satisfaction or liberation.”

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Jhaya Gujadhur

A Specialised Public Health Nurse at the Ministry of Health and Wellness, her first anthology, “Poesy And Quotes” has been published in 2023. Drug addiction being a real scourge in Mauritius, she here shares her poem to raise awareness in the population, especially among youngsters.