
Plumes engagées

Labour Day

29 avril 2024, 10:52


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Labour Day

Krishnanand Guptar.

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

“Genius begins great works. Labour alone finishes them.”

Joseph Joubert

On Labour Day of first of May

Let us pay homage to great souls

Who by dint of their precious say,

By dint of their decisive role

In the struggle for workers` rights

Did not pay heed to their own plight.

Let us cherish the daring roars

Of pioneers, whether stationed

At home or in the distant shores,

Who improved working conditions,

Brought rays of hope in workers` life

And some light in their daily strife.

Let us pay tribute to heroes,

Who on the place of work were shot

Or on the road were dealt blows

And for life sustained heavy blots

For fair protests lodged in tandem

On the pittance dished out to them.

Let`s hold in the highest esteem

Legislators who did prescribe

In the law, themselves to redeem

In the eyes of the working tribe,

Rights to safeguard the working class

And shine as champions of the mass.

Let us chant hymns of labour unions

That through patient perseverance

And years of workers` unison

Did press for legal adherence

For improving all workers` fate

And their due share to allocate.

On Labour Day and everyday

Let`s greet dignity of labour,

Reflect on struggles on the way,

Across centuries, to favour

A just, fair and sound relation

In process of wealth creation.

On Labour Day and everyday

Let us honour those who do strive

In bitter cold and have no say.,

Those who toil with their heart alive

As those with white collars and pen

Who mold the destiny of men.

On Labour Day and everyday

Let`s pay respect to all workers

Whether toiling in central mills,

Whether wielding weighty hammers

Or sweating in the sun in fields:

Whether the tasks are big or small

The same dignity have they all.

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Krishnanand Guptar

Financial Advisor at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, he has developed a keen interest for poetry, particularly for philosophical, spiritual, divine, motivational and inspirational poems. He has published several collections of poems.