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Let’s pollute more to come up with the solutions faster
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Let’s pollute more to come up with the solutions faster
Robert Comarmond.
À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.
Why am I not too worried about
climate change and other
environmental issues or kinda an
‘Alarmist’ like a Greta?
It’s an unpopular insight but I
belong to the school of thought of
people who reckon that humankind
is so intelligent that at some point
we’ll come up with a technology
that will solve everything in a snap
of fingers.
As an example, I always refer to the
90s issue of holes in the ozone layer.
Since then some chemicals have
been banned from being used in
sprays/aerosols and the problem has
been rescinded.
It’s a survival instinct thing;
I believe that humans always overturn
critical situations
when they got their backs against
the wall.
In that spirit, I like making
the joke of ‘let’s pollute more
to come up
with the solutions faster’.
I know that this kind of opinion
can be frowned upon
but it’s my angle of cogitation via
which I’m saying that I still believe
in humans
in some sort of ways and
I’m not piling up on my anxieties.
Robert Comarmond
Concomitamment homme de lettres et homme de chiffres, bouclant la boucle, on peut désormais le désigner aussi comme un homme de sciences. Autodidacte et allergique à l’ultracrépidarianisme, il met un point d’honneur à s’exprimer seulement sur les sujets qu’il maîtrise.
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