
Plumes engagées


23 mai 2024, 12:56


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Bhama Lallmun.

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

A leap of faith

In an ocean of uncertainties

You wish one day to embrace

A hard blow at times

Dealt by destiny or fatality

Through which you navigate

How many of you

Disillusioned and guilty

Crave for a token of appreciation

For the years you nurtured

For the years you comforted

For the enemy featuring in his adolescence

For the stranger you materialise into


It’s not all about love

It’s your resilience to love

In spite of you, because of you

It’s your faith for a better him

It’s your grace in spite of the rage


It’s your divine soul

Yearning to be recognised

It’s your sacred right

To expect love

It’s your wish to embrace or not


A dare where

Splashed by love, you blossom.

Splashed by hate, you nurture

Splashed by anger, you comfort

Splashed by indifference, you care


A leap of faith

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Bhama Lallmun

Enseignante de profession, l’écriture a été son échappatoire pendant un certain temps, avant de devenir sa passion, sa façon à elle de se préserver.