
Plumes engagées

Parfois et pour toujours…

8 août 2024, 12:45


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Parfois et pour toujours…

Zainab Soyfoo

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

Hot water in a glass of wine,

we were both sober in the body

drunk in the eye.

Her feet, that of a dancer,

my tongue, that of a wordsmith.

Elle était l’irresistible,

j’étais l’interdit.

So, while in every hug,

we wished we could kiss,

we let every parts of our body touch

except for the lips.

Corps à corps, we created rhythm

until we exchanged a fragrance of Givenchy

and our heartbeats succumbed in sync…

Entrelacer l’un dans l’autre,

je tourne, elle tourne,

and we invented a Universe

where I was the sun

and she was the moon.

We saw planets,

we saw galaxies,

all orbiting around us

until we stepped into a reality

where dreams were more than just

a compilation of wild fantasies.

No truth has ever been truer than her and I,

like tongues that speak

after too much of red wine;

like undressing the body,

and unveiling the eyes.

We talk about forever and always,

comme si nous sommes des éternelles

but deep down we know that

la vie n’est qu’une étincelle,

alors, même si c’est parfois ou pour toujours,

we will always be in the same sky,

like the sun trying to mirror the beauty

of the moon…



Zainab Soyfoo

Winner of «Koktel Fonker 2023» in Reunion Island, she discovered writing as a therapeutic form of expression three years ago. Since that moment, it has become her anchor, guiding her self-discovery, and a bridge facilitating connections with others.