
Plumes engagées

The Empty Tomb

1 avril 2024, 09:00


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The Empty Tomb

Krishnanand Guptar

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

“The empty tomb is a sign of life, hope, and love.”

World Council of Churches Easter Message 2024

Inside a tomb sculpted in stones

Lay a corpse half wrapped in deep white,

In darkness, with body and bones

All over nailed and stained with blood;

Such a sight, never any tomb

Had witnessed or ever will eye,

Prompted tender tears from the stones

Like sad rains dripping from the sky.

Yet, what a fortune for the tomb

Just to host the Lord`s only Son

In the midst of its lonely womb

And grace Him with its open arms!

Still greater was the tomb`s fortune

To glimpse during the course of night,

Appeasing the corpse`s deep wounds,

Lovely angels all dressed in white.

Deeper was the tomb`s amazement

To witness the angels rolling

The huge stone at the opening

Of the round-arched tomb of sorrow.

Loftiest was the tomb`s wonder To eye, at the outset of dawn, The white corpse risen from the tomb Lighting around trees and the lawn.

Sorrowful was the tomb to view

Mary and her friends shedding tears

At the rolled stone and vacant grave

And singly shivering with fears.

But waves of rapture swept the tomb

When Mary scanned the Man in white

To be His one and Only son,

Much to every human`s delight.

Centuries of the sands of time

Have spanned the scrolls of history;

The tomb, still sacred and sublime,

Keeps on recording scenes of man.

When will the divine tomb unveil

Secrets veiled in its bosom,

Spread the love instilled in its stones

And bring battling men to reason!

When will the sacred tomb witness

The fresh arrival of His Son

To span the shine of peace on earth

And set a lasting spring season!

Easter Light

“Dawn and resurrection are synonymous.

The appearance of light is the same

as the survival of the soul” Victor Hugo

Beyond Easter lovely lilies

Beyond its beauteous bunnies

Beyond its savoury sweeties,

Lies its illuminating light,

Light of forgiveness and mercy

Through resurrection of His Son

Crucified for false heresy,

Flogged and buried in a dark tomb,

Light shimmering from Jesus Christ,

Risen from the tomb of darkness

To light the path of His shepherds

And guide them to realms of brightness,

Light of faith in Lord`s divine son,

Rising from the dullness of death

To share divine love and grace

And infuse in His herd new breath,

Light of the victory of life

Over the dreary devils of death

With its dauntless and icy hands

Lurking in all corners of earth,

Light that cleanses the human soul

From the filth of sour hate and pride

Ushers in joy to one and all

And drives saddening clouds aside,

Light of the hope of redemption

Of man from evils and his sin

To the end goal of salvation

Trough renewal of human soul.

On Easter Day and every day,

To the Lord and His Only Son

Let`s offer wreaths of hearty thanks

For letting go of human treason,

For shedding pearls of blood by Christ

For redeeming the human race

And though thrashed and nailed on the cross

Showered on man love and grace.

On Easter Day and everyday

Let us reverberate His love

By lending, in a humble way,

A friendly hand to those in need;

On Easter Day and everyday

Let us spread His words in the fields,

In the towns and in the city,

Over the mounts and on the hills;

On Easter day and everyday

Let`s unfold His divine message

Over the scroll of time and space

That both common folks and sages,

Hopes of salvation may embrace

And with divine light may be graced.

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Krishnanand Guptar

Financial advisor at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, he has developed a keen interest for poetry, particularly for philosophical, spiritual, divine, motivational and inspirational poems. He has published several collections of poems and here shares two poems on Easter.