
Plumes engagées

The Quadricolour

11 mars 2024, 11:33


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The Quadricolour

Krishnanand Guptar

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions sur l’Indépendance de Maurice.

Let us all bow to the Quadricolour

Flapping ever with joy and pride up high

From its mast up in the Mauritian sky,

Beckoning us to unite together

And grow the national cake up further,

Let us all bow to the four-coloured flag,

With its red, blue, yellow and green colours

And make graceful and respectful gestures

That reveal a mind free from futile fears,

A spirit full of hopes for coming years

And a heart just longing for unity.

Let us offer respect to the red tinge,

Symbol of hard struggles of our forebears

And their long decades of saddening tears

For full independence of our country,

Freeing us from British hegemony

And securing respect amidst nations.

Let us revere the blue tinge of our flag,

Emblem of the Indian Ocean

And the blue sky towering our island,

With a bluish sea surrounding our land,

A star of the Indian Ocean

And once the heart of sea routes to the world.

Let us ever cherish the yellow shade,

Symbol of the light of independence

Illuminating forward our island,

Beckoning us to take our destiny

Entirely and squarely in our hands,

Shape it in peace, justice and liberty.

Let us relish the green hue of our flag,

Hallmark of unique green vegetation,

Our cane fields spreading to the horizon,

Our verdant valleys pleasing to the eyes,

Our lovely mounts laid with greens not so high

And charming hills inviting for a hike.

Let us truly adore our awesome flag

That has witnessed so many valiant days

Of battles fought and won in diverse ways,

Battles over distress and misery,

Against financial chains and slavery,

Against despair and acute poverty.

Let us, indeed, salute our sublime flag

That has beheld our beloved country

Rise from the trough of the Malthusian doom

To the pitch of economic glory,

From the very ditch of financial gloom

To achieve miracles in history

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Krishnanand Guptar

Financial advisor at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, he has developed a keen interest for poetry, particularly for philosophical, spiritual, divine, motivational and inspirational poems. He has published several collections of poems.