
Plumes engagées

The reason I write

6 mai 2024, 10:56


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The reason I write

Modhyni Aayushi Doorgasing.

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

Giggling and dancing in my cotton slip.

Death came to me barefoot.

Staring at the ceiling and trapped between these vacant walls.

In the depths of misery,

I etched my wicked face upon my own skin.

“It is such a shame to be in full flesh.”

Death twitches in my ears.

I could not out-monster the monster,

so I quietly got devoured.

Sometimes, I forget how I got here.

But death kept scratching my back with caustic sarcasm.

The mirror itself disgusted me.

My Cadillac eyes held power,

but of insecurities and dark possession.

Death stood firmly behind me,

as tight as iron bands.

And his thorny lips kept kissing my neck as if in love.

Wearing angst as attire, but I was still compos mentis.

Alas! How did I not know the demon was my depression in disguise?

Fighting them, gliding through barriers.

Writing became my catharsis.

In this journey of grief,

I’ve found solace in the flicker of hope,

where I can erase and carve a new beacon of light through my ink.

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Modhyni Aayushi Doorgasing

A young 20-year old poet, she has always had the sincere endeavour to write her own book since a very tender age and she cannot wait to delineate her prowess publicly. On Instagram, she is a panegyrist of creationism through her pen. A soonto- published author, she cascades us with human frailties in her masterpieces. Her utmost gratitude will forever be to her parents and best friend Brayen for their concerted efforts throughout this journey.