
Plumes engagées

Watching documentaries

7 octobre 2024, 16:34


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Watching documentaries

Robert Comarmond.

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

I always have this amused smile when

people watch a doc and think afterwards

that they’ve learnt something. Let me tell

you something; making docs or designing

an experiment Often originates from a

hypothesis or a premise that someone wants

to prove; ‘sometimes by hook or by crook’.

And it makes the whole doc or experiment

void/biased because some parameters are

corrupted from the start just for the sake of

proving something at all cost.

Just like numbers and statistics can be

squeezed into making them say whatever

you want, BENT truths can severely

compromise your beliefs.

Let me give you an example. I’ve always

thought that in animal-docs the shooting

team who wants to make a video of let’s say,

a lion attacking an antelope, won’t be waiting

patiently in the savannah for it to happen...

They just bring the lion and the antelope

themselves, free them and shoot the video.

Have you ever thought that? To me that’s

so obvious.

You can’t read just 1 study about something

or watch a national geo doc or Netflix doc

or any mainstream doc [for me they’re mere

entertainments], fall knee deep into their

flawed sciences and tell me

that this is your truth.

When I read a study pertaining to any

subject that I care about, I go looking for

more studies about the topic and if I see that

4, 5 different researches all converging to a

unique truth, then I own it

and make it mine.

Not saying it’s an infallible method of course

but it is my process because I don’t want

half ‘knowledges’. I like ‘Thorough’. I am too

careful about the things that I absorb and

things that I make my truths.

My scrutiny is immense.

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Concomitamment homme de lettres et homme de chiffres, bouclant la boucle, on peut désormais le désigner aussi comme un homme de sciences. Autodidacte et allergique à l’ultracrépidarianisme, il met un point d’honneur à s’exprimer seulement sur les sujets qu’il maîtrise.