
Plumes engagées

Waves of Healing, Tides of Love

21 novembre 2024, 11:30


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Waves of Healing, Tides of Love

Dhishna Radhay.

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

I am waiting eagerly for this day;

To take you to our private getaway,

Where there will be only you and me.

That would be the most wonderful moment;

Holding your hand,

In the silence,

Listening to the soothing music of the waves,

Listening to your heartbeat,

And those hidden feelings that you have locked in your

heart forever.

I shall always be there;

To shower you with love and care

And all that you need—

To bring solace to your pure heart.

Today let the beautiful sunset be the witness;

Of two Soulmates who bury their past wounds in the sand.

Let the waves carry away those pains and drown them

into the ocean.

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Dhishna Radhay

A Diploma holder in Creative Writing from the UK, this Mauritian living in the United Arab Emirates is a wordsmith and a versatile artist, showcasing her talent not only as a novelist but also as a screenwriter, proofreader, editor, blogger, book cover designer and illustrator. From children’s books to thrillers, Dhishna’s literary ambitions continue to shine brightly. Her previous work, “Bereft”, has even earned a place in the esteemed Library of Congress and she was the winner of the “Flash Fiction-Blossom Tales” challenge, U.A.E, for her story “Shimmer in the Meadows”.