
Plumes engagées

What’s your type?

5 août 2024, 12:00


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What’s your type?

Luciano Perrine.

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

My type likes art.

and maybe I can make them rhyme

maybe I could be the muse in their heart

that makes them sing, draw or write

My type could be pretty or handsome

a little arrogant,

Someone who could pay any ransom

or fight any Poison

Someone who would make MY protection

their anthem

My type is an Artist.

Or maybe an Athlete.

Or an Intellectual.

Someone nice, funny and sweet

Someone who makes me feel complete!

Someone who makes my cheeks turn red

with their late-night text

when I should really be in bed

They should see stardust in my eyes

I want someone with advice and replies!

Question my views, it’s okay if we fight

we don’t have to agree all the time…

Speak your truth

it doesn’t have to end in goodbyes

Just don’t be cruel,

we can make a compromise

“What’s your type?”

you asked, looking into my eyes.

How can you not realise

that the one that my mind describes

is beside me, Bold and bright?

“You are my type”

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Luciano Perrine

Thanks to his mother who has wished to make him culturally diverse since he was very young, Lups, his pen name, has always been knee-deep into the world of fiction. A lover of art in every form, he seeks to take his passion out of the mess of ideas in his dreamy mind, and even hopefully publish before his 18th birthday a poetry booklet and perhaps a novel afterwards.