
Plumes engagées

Whither my Roots

24 juin 2024, 09:31


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Whither my Roots

Dr Mala Modun-Bissessur.

À l’heure du tout à l’image et du buzz sans suite, «l’express» souhaite faire découvrir la plume de poètes, de chanteurs, d’écrivains et de tous ceux qui jettent leur âme sur le papier, et qui mettent en mots des réflexions profondes.

Slave I was made against my wish

Sailed on which ship across which seas

To land neither mine nor theirs

Sold was I for some fare

To whoever said they would care.

At the first land we made a run

Fate against us, alas, we were gunned

Slave we were once again

To another land we were bargained

Whoever said “They would care”.

Wind and rain we had to fend

With The Lord as our only friend

Did he send us plenty of fish

To fill our daily maize dish

Whoever said “They would care”.

I hear now of skyscrapers in their land

I am in a hut by the sands

I hear of clear water by the pipe

I often wait by the muddy well till night

I hear of learned men women and children

I can’t even write the name of mine

My Lord`s fish is taken to their lands

I have to appease my stomach`s bends.

Whoever said “They would care”.

If I were in my own land

Where maize millet sorghum abound

Hare and deer without gun or greyhound

Like a bride’s veil my Lord`s water comes in falls

Wise men and women confer in the halls

Diamonds and gold glitter for ever

Somebody would have cared.

Slave I was made against all my wishes…

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Dr Mala Modun-Bissessur

Médecin généraliste ayant travaillé en Europe et au Moyen-Orient, et ex-fonctionnaire du service hospitalier à Maurice, elle est consciente de la souffrance qui afflige à plusieurs niveaux des innocents, à qui, hélas, elle ne peut qu’offrir ses prières. Elle a fait un séjour mémorable en Terre sainte en 2019, ayant visité Israël et la Palestine. Ce poème a été écrit en 1991, après une période de service à Rodrigues. Ayant visité l’île il y a peu, elle pense qu’elle a «blossomed».